1. 我們對破壞性更改的思考方式真的很愚蠢 The way we''re thinking about breaking changes is really silly (welltypedwitch.bearblog.dev)
12. 我本可以建造的房子,本可以成為的愛情 詩歌 a house i would have built, a love that could have been poem (writtenbywinter.bearblog.dev)
26. 為了使網絡可用,需要如此多的瀏覽器擴展程序 So many browser extensions needed just to make the web usable (fusednix.com)
34. 創見 JetFlash 790C - 顯然是 USB 3.2 閃存盤,但速度為 USB 2? Transcend JetFlash 790C – Apparently a USB 3.2 flash drive, but with USB 2 speeds? (fusednix.com)
37. Zig 0.14 編譯器的新特性 -fincremental --watch New Zig 0.14 compiler features -fincremental --watch (hwisnu.bearblog.dev)
38. 無條件的自我關懷為自己 "忙碌 "的藝術 Non-Negotiable Self-Care: The Art of Being "Busy" for Yourself (prickly.oxhe.art)
51. Satechi Slim X1 藍牙鍵盤--還不錯,但固件存在嚴重問題,導致按鍵抖動 Satechi Slim X1 Bluetooth Keyboard – not bad, but there''s a serious firmware issue causing key chatter (fusednix.com)
58. 耶!對鹹味零食徵收 20% 的新稅,以及每天 10 美元的租車費 *諷刺*。 Yay! New 20% tax on salty snacks and a 10 daily car rental fee *sarcasm* (fusednix.com)
73. 如何最小化 Godot 的構建大小(93MB - 6.4MB exe) How to Minify Godot''s Build Size (93MB - 6.4MB exe) (popcar.bearblog.dev)
74. 你的武器不是我的武器:論《怪物獵人》的 "戰鬥景觀 Your Weapon is not my Weapon: on Monster Hunter''s ''Combat Landscape'' (azhdarchid.com)
79. 如果小型、更集中的遊戲是解決遊戲業問題的辦法... If smaller, more focused games are the solution to the games industry’s problems… (videogames.bearblog.dev)
92. 數學學院如何將我拉出絕望谷 How Math Academy pulled me out of the Valley of Despair (mikelikejordan.bearblog.dev)
96. GRPO 法官實驗:調查結果和經驗觀察 GRPO Judge Experiments: Findings & Empirical Observations (kalomaze.bearblog.dev)
111. 如何進入(或追趕)《神奇寶貝》主線遊戲 How to get into (or catch up with) the mainline Pokémon games (azhdarchid.com)
145. 開始覺得離開大科技網站很酷,很好,其實 starting to think that leaving Big Tech sites is very cool and fine, actually (drmollytov.bearblog.dev)
146. 重煥光彩:重新發現年過二十的自己 glowing again: on rediscovering myself in my late 20s (without-restraint.bearblog.dev)
148. 在被圍牆和監控的互聯網上衝浪的 3 個啟發式方法 3 heuristics for surfing in the walled and surveilled internet (bsos.bearblog.dev)
154. 小思考 II:舊互聯網、操蛋社會、食屍鬼接管 Small Thoughts II: Old Internet, Fucked Society, Ghoul Takeover (zypper.net)
176. 為什麼人們會為與己無關的事情生氣? Why Do People Get Mad About Things That Are None of Their Business? (louplummer.lol)
193. 消除 Grammarly 想讓你相信的一件可怕的事 Dispelling a terrible thing that Grammarly wants you to believe (blog.lauramichet.com)
208. 2024 張達到預期的專輯(Billie Eilish、碧昂斯、Charli XCX) 2024 Albums That Met Expectations (Billie Eilish, Beyoncé, Charli XCX) (thoss.bearblog.dev)
219. 政治衰落個人成長:2025 年 1 月 political decline personal growth: january 2025 (without-restraint.bearblog.dev)
223. 使用幾個月後,我對 Bear 的感受 How I feel about Bear after using it for several months (blog.lauramichet.com)
233. 使用較弱的 GPU 或根本沒有 GPU 學習 CUDA?是的,您可以! Learning CUDA with a Weak GPU or No GPU at All? Yes, You Can! (hamdi.bearblog.dev)
236. OpenAI 為開放式萬維網的棺材釘上了最後一顆釘子 OpenAI just put the final nail in the coffin of the open World Wide Web (brids.bearblog.dev)
239. 在日常硬件上運行開源 llms,黑客指南 run open-source llms on everyday hardware, a hacking guide (hisonu.bearblog.dev)
251. 生活、工作、姿勢 - 一堂關於舞廳文化的課和對電視劇《姿勢》的評論 Live, Werk, Pose - A Lesson on Ballroom Culture and a Review of the TV Series POSE (thoss.bearblog.dev)
259. 對在大網絡上建立社區的不可能性感到沮喪 frustrations with the impossibility of community on the big web (thebirdhouse.bearblog.dev)
262. 我一直在倡導支持 RSS,你也應該這樣做 I''ve been advocating for RSS support, and you should too (reedybear.bearblog.dev)
281. 從邊緣到瓦揚:通過東南亞故事重新想象中世紀戰鬥遊戲 from marginalia to wayang: reimagining medieval battle games through southeast asian storytelling (perdana.dev)
291. SIMD vs Scalar:釋放並行處理的威力 SIMD vs Scalar: Unlocking the Power of Parallel Processing (hwisnu.bearblog.dev)
296. 別再把時間浪費在提高效率的廢話上了,閉嘴工作吧 stop wasting time on productivity crap. just shut up and work (hisonu.bearblog.dev)
300. 開始寫博客的最簡單方法 - 2025 版 The Easiest Way to Start Blogging - The 2025 Edition (brandons-journal.com)