1. 我們對破壞性更改的思考方式真的很愚蠢 03-26 The way we''re thinking about breaking changes is really silly (welltypedwitch.bearblog.dev)
5. 念珠 - 神聖的和染色的 - 敘事詩 03-25 rosary — sacred and stained narrative poem (writtenbywinter.bearblog.dev)
12. 我本可以建造的房子,本可以成為的愛情 詩歌 03-25 a house i would have built, a love that could have been poem (writtenbywinter.bearblog.dev)
18. 這不是一本 "操作手冊":週六作弊日日記 03-21 This is not a How-to: The Saturday Cheat Day Diaries (prickly.oxhe.art)
21. 我不相信你的 "社交媒體替代品",如果... 03-23 i don''t trust your ''social media alternative'' if... (blog.avas.space)
24. 回覆:我們能從道德上熱愛壞人的優秀藝術作品嗎? 03-21 Re: can we ethically love bad people''s good art? (toska.bearblog.dev)
26. 為了使網絡可用,需要如此多的瀏覽器擴展程序 03-21 So many browser extensions needed just to make the web usable (fusednix.com)
34. 創見 JetFlash 790C - 顯然是 USB 3.2 閃存盤,但速度為 USB 2? 03-20 Transcend JetFlash 790C – Apparently a USB 3.2 flash drive, but with USB 2 speeds? (fusednix.com)
37. Zig 0.14 編譯器的新特性 -fincremental --watch 03-19 New Zig 0.14 compiler features -fincremental --watch (hwisnu.bearblog.dev)
38. 無條件的自我關懷為自己 "忙碌 "的藝術 03-19 Non-Negotiable Self-Care: The Art of Being "Busy" for Yourself (prickly.oxhe.art)
51. Satechi Slim X1 藍牙鍵盤--還不錯,但固件存在嚴重問題,導致按鍵抖動 03-17 Satechi Slim X1 Bluetooth Keyboard – not bad, but there''s a serious firmware issue causing key chatter (fusednix.com)
53. 要想毒化別人,就必須先毒化自己。 03-16 to gaslight others you must gaslight yourself first.. (unsorted.bearblog.dev)
58. 耶!對鹹味零食徵收 20% 的新稅,以及每天 10 美元的租車費 *諷刺*。 03-16 Yay! New 20% tax on salty snacks and a 10 daily car rental fee *sarcasm* (fusednix.com)
73. 如何最小化 Godot 的構建大小(93MB - 6.4MB exe) 03-11 How to Minify Godot''s Build Size (93MB - 6.4MB exe) (popcar.bearblog.dev)
74. 你的武器不是我的武器:論《怪物獵人》的 "戰鬥景觀 03-11 Your Weapon is not my Weapon: on Monster Hunter''s ''Combat Landscape'' (azhdarchid.com)
79. 如果小型、更集中的遊戲是解決遊戲業問題的辦法... 03-09 If smaller, more focused games are the solution to the games industry’s problems… (videogames.bearblog.dev)
90. 我對上票(或點贊、收藏)並不在意 03-06 I am not normal about upvotes (or likes, or favourites) (mantis.bearblog.dev)
92. 數學學院如何將我拉出絕望谷 03-01 How Math Academy pulled me out of the Valley of Despair (mikelikejordan.bearblog.dev)
96. GRPO 法官實驗:調查結果和經驗觀察 03-04 GRPO Judge Experiments: Findings & Empirical Observations (kalomaze.bearblog.dev)
111. 如何進入(或追趕)《神奇寶貝》主線遊戲 02-28 How to get into (or catch up with) the mainline Pokémon games (azhdarchid.com)
145. 開始覺得離開大科技網站很酷,很好,其實 02-17 starting to think that leaving Big Tech sites is very cool and fine, actually (drmollytov.bearblog.dev)
146. 重煥光彩:重新發現年過二十的自己 02-18 glowing again: on rediscovering myself in my late 20s (without-restraint.bearblog.dev)
148. 在被圍牆和監控的互聯網上衝浪的 3 個啟發式方法 02-17 3 heuristics for surfing in the walled and surveilled internet (bsos.bearblog.dev)
154. 小思考 II:舊互聯網、操蛋社會、食屍鬼接管 02-15 Small Thoughts II: Old Internet, Fucked Society, Ghoul Takeover (zypper.net)
176. 為什麼人們會為與己無關的事情生氣? 02-09 Why Do People Get Mad About Things That Are None of Their Business? (louplummer.lol)
193. 消除 Grammarly 想讓你相信的一件可怕的事 02-05 Dispelling a terrible thing that Grammarly wants you to believe (blog.lauramichet.com)
208. 2024 張達到預期的專輯(Billie Eilish、碧昂斯、Charli XCX) 02-01 2024 Albums That Met Expectations (Billie Eilish, Beyoncé, Charli XCX) (thoss.bearblog.dev)
213. 發現之頁:非官方歡迎委員會 01-31 the discover page: the unofficial welcome committee (thebirdhouse.bearblog.dev)
215. ANOTHEREAL 開發日誌 #3 - 冬季更新! 01-30 ANOTHEREAL Dev Log #3 - Winter Update! (blog.radicaldream.land)
219. 政治衰落個人成長:2025 年 1 月 01-29 political decline personal growth: january 2025 (without-restraint.bearblog.dev)
223. 使用幾個月後,我對 Bear 的感受 01-29 How I feel about Bear after using it for several months (blog.lauramichet.com)
231. 麻省理工學院神秘狩獵 2025:未經請求的評論 01-27 MIT Mystery Hunt 2025: the unsolicited reviews (betaveros.bearblog.dev)
233. 使用較弱的 GPU 或根本沒有 GPU 學習 CUDA?是的,您可以! 01-27 Learning CUDA with a Weak GPU or No GPU at All? Yes, You Can! (hamdi.bearblog.dev)
236. OpenAI 為開放式萬維網的棺材釘上了最後一顆釘子 01-25 OpenAI just put the final nail in the coffin of the open World Wide Web (brids.bearblog.dev)
237. 我再次請求請讓我燒燬硅谷 01-25 I’m Asking Once Again: Please, Let Me Burn Down Silicon Valley (www.zypper.net)
239. 在日常硬件上運行開源 llms,黑客指南 01-24 run open-source llms on everyday hardware, a hacking guide (hisonu.bearblog.dev)
245. 讓我們來談談一些令人不安的話題,好嗎? 01-23 Let''s Talk about Some Uncomfortable Topics, Shall We? (louplummer.lol)
251. 生活、工作、姿勢 - 一堂關於舞廳文化的課和對電視劇《姿勢》的評論 01-21 Live, Werk, Pose - A Lesson on Ballroom Culture and a Review of the TV Series POSE (thoss.bearblog.dev)
259. 對在大網絡上建立社區的不可能性感到沮喪 01-17 frustrations with the impossibility of community on the big web (thebirdhouse.bearblog.dev)
262. 我一直在倡導支持 RSS,你也應該這樣做 01-18 I''ve been advocating for RSS support, and you should too (reedybear.bearblog.dev)
276. 我試著把我的谷歌日曆移到質子上(但失敗了) 01-15 i tried moving my google calendar to proton (and failed) (shilin.ca)
281. 從邊緣到瓦揚:通過東南亞故事重新想象中世紀戰鬥遊戲 01-14 from marginalia to wayang: reimagining medieval battle games through southeast asian storytelling (perdana.dev)
291. SIMD vs Scalar:釋放並行處理的威力 01-08 SIMD vs Scalar: Unlocking the Power of Parallel Processing (hwisnu.bearblog.dev)
296. 別再把時間浪費在提高效率的廢話上了,閉嘴工作吧 01-08 stop wasting time on productivity crap. just shut up and work (hisonu.bearblog.dev)
300. 開始寫博客的最簡單方法 - 2025 版 01-06 The Easiest Way to Start Blogging - The 2025 Edition (brandons-journal.com)